Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Solange from Argentina


I'm from Argentina. I have "The Spatulatta Cookbook", I love the
recipes but... I don't understand all the recipes because they are difficult for me
because I'am from Argentina and i talk in Spanish!!! In English class I'am a ten,
intelligent but is difficult for me read recipes in english!!! make "The Spatulatta
Cookbook" in Spanish, please!!! goodbye!!!!!!

Spatulatta Responds:

Dear Solange,

Gracias por su carta. Nos encantaría hacer la libro de cocina de
Spatulatta en Español! We would love to do the Spatulatta Cookbook in
Spanish! I will send your note to our publisher and see what she says.

Meanwhile, we have our first bilingual episode. Tenemos un episodio en
español y en Inglés en el sitio web. Por favor, tome hacer una visita.

Please take a look at:

Si necesita traducciones, esto es lo que he utilizado:

You may have to click on the word swap to go from Spanish to English
instead of from English to Spanish.

Please send us some Argentinian recipes, we'd be glad to try them out for
our second bilingual episode. Por favor, envíenos algunas recetas
argentinas, nos estaremos encantados de intentar a cabo bilingüe para
nuestro segundo episodio.

Espero con interés escuchar de usted otra vez.

Team Spatulatta

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