Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Russian Salad from Solange in Argentina

Here's a recipe from Solange in Argentina for Russian Salad. The translation into English follows below.

hola!!! soy solange denuevo!! ustedes me escribieron un mail que decían que querían recetas argentinas!!! (translate this) no quería
escribir en inglés porque recién este año voy a empezar quinto grado, estoy en primaria todavía!!! (no quiero cometer ningún error escribiendo en inglés)

¿conocen la ensalada rusa? a mí me encanta la ensalada rusa,
para hacerla necesitas:papa,mayonesa y zanahoria. primero cortan las papas
en cubitos,segundo cortan la zanahoria en cubitos también y luego ponen la
"mayonesa" se puede comer en cualquier momento, ejemplo: una cena familiar.

los argentinos comemos mucha carne y el "asado" es muy conocido por aquí!!! comemos "milanesa",helado,papas rellenas,empanadas... cuando se trata de una fiesta ejemplo:navidad, algunos cocinan pavo,asado,ensalada rusa y por otro lado comen camarones con salsas, anchoas, y comidas mas difíciles de cocinar... tambien comemos los panchos (hotdogs) y hay muchos panchos: platense (mar del plata,argentina), italiano, etc... comemos sushi, (yo como arroz japonés) etc... si quieren saber mas comidas y palabras en español visiten mi sitio www.todoanimalesylibros.blogspot.com y yo publicaré en una de estas semanas muchas cosas argentinas!!! gracias!!!

y perdonen por darles más trabajo traduciendo esto. fueron muy amables y muchas gracias!!! tengo una pregunta:¿ustedes tienen un programa en televisión de spatulatta? como siempre estan bienvenidos a mi sitio web!!! y si tienen un usuario en www.blogspot.com pueden escribirme en mi blog!!! saludos a todos!

(translation to English)

Solange here, hello again! You wrote me an email saying you wanted Argentine recipes! I don't want to write in English just because this year I will start fifth
Grade--I am still in primary school and do not want to make any mistakes writing in English.

Have you ever had Russian salad? I love
Russian salad. The ingredients are just cooked potatoes, carrots and mayonnaise.

First cut the potatoes into little cubes.
Next cut carrot into cubes also.

Then add the mayonnaise and mix well.

You can serve this at any meal, such as family dinner.

Argentines eat lots of meat and "asado" (roast) is famous here.

We like to eat "Milanesa", ice cream, stuffed potatoes, empanadas …
For a party, Christmas, for example, some people cook turkey, roast beef, Russian salad
And on the side they eat shrimp with other sauces, anchovies and lots of other very difficult to cook things.

We also eat panchos (hotdogs or sausages) and
many kinds of sausages: platense (Mar del Plata, Argentina), Italian, etc ...

We eat sushi (I like Japanese rice) etc ...

If you want to learn about more meals and Spanish words to visit my Website:


and I will publish one of these weeks a lot of Argentinian things! Thanks!

And pardon me for giving you more work translating all this.

You all are very friendly, thank you very much!

I have a question: do you have a Spatulatta program on TV? You are always welcome to post on my website!

And if you have a user account www.blogspot.com can write me at my blog!

Greetings to everyone!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Go Bars and Eggs Unite!

Amanda says:

Hi Spatulatta crew!

I just wanted to comment on the breakfast on the go
bars, how did you get yours to stay together? Me and my mom tried twice and both
times it crumbles. Like major crumble. so when we took it out it looked good, and
then we let it cool and then cut it, and then we tried to take it out, and it all
fell apart! It was like sugary granola with dried cranberries in it, but it was
still yummy! Please if you can help me, please send me and email. Thank you so
much! Oh and I have this really good recipe that my friend Joan gave me and that
she learned it from her camp, im still perfecting it to make it healthier, and their
called haystacks, go figure!

Thanks again! Bye!

Spatulatta replies:

Dear Amanda,

You're right the Go Bars were a little crumbly for us too but held
together in the bar shape rather than turning into granola. We may have
used an extra large egg. We were trying to keep the fat content down but
maybe we went too far.

Eggs are the glue that holds lots of culinary concoctions together. I'd
suggest trying 2 eggs medium eggs or better yet the equivalent of Egg

Let us know how they came out and we'll update the recipe on the website.

Team Spatulatta

Monday, January 19, 2009

Hey Everybody!

We read the instructions on Spatulatta and grew our own avocado tree! You can do it too! Find out how we did it. Click here

Willa's Fishing Jello

One tasty treat that I love is Fishing Jello. It's very easy and simple.


1 packet of blue jello
Whipped Topping
Goldfish crackers (I've also seen whale too)
Net-like pretzels


Prepare jello as it says to on packet. After cooling add a school of whipped topping. Add 2 pretzels (one across from another). Add goldfish or whale crackers to make an ocean scene real.

Tip: put liquid in small individual containers before cooling.

Spatulatta replies:

Willa this looks simply delicious! A perfect "lite" dessert after a hearty meal. There's always room for jello ;)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Solange from Argentina


I'm from Argentina. I have "The Spatulatta Cookbook", I love the
recipes but... I don't understand all the recipes because they are difficult for me
because I'am from Argentina and i talk in Spanish!!! In English class I'am a ten,
intelligent but is difficult for me read recipes in english!!! make "The Spatulatta
Cookbook" in Spanish, please!!! goodbye!!!!!!

Spatulatta Responds:

Dear Solange,

Gracias por su carta. Nos encantaría hacer la libro de cocina de
Spatulatta en Español! We would love to do the Spatulatta Cookbook in
Spanish! I will send your note to our publisher and see what she says.

Meanwhile, we have our first bilingual episode. Tenemos un episodio en
español y en Inglés en el sitio web. Por favor, tome hacer una visita.

Please take a look at:


Si necesita traducciones, esto es lo que he utilizado:


You may have to click on the word swap to go from Spanish to English
instead of from English to Spanish.

Please send us some Argentinian recipes, we'd be glad to try them out for
our second bilingual episode. Por favor, envíenos algunas recetas
argentinas, nos estaremos encantados de intentar a cabo bilingüe para
nuestro segundo episodio.

Espero con interés escuchar de usted otra vez.

Team Spatulatta

Monday, January 5, 2009

From Olivia and Naomi


Our names are Olivia and Naomi...and we just wanted to tell

you how we LOVE the Spatulatta cookbook. Berry Dip & Roll...YUM! And Extra
E-Z Fudge: AMAZING! We also really like the recipe for the Caprese Salad.
YUM! But really, they're all great!

Thanks for the yummy recipes and inspirational cooking!!!

Spatulatta replies:

Dear Olivia and Naomi,

Thank you so much for your email. We're so happy Spatulatta provides recipes
you love! If you have any of your own favorite recipes you'd like to share, please
email them to us. You can even attach a photo of you both cooking in the kitchen.
This would be added to the Spat Blog to share with all our fans.

We especially love recipes with lots of fruits and veggies!

Keep cookin!
Team Spatulatta

P.S. Tell all your friends at school about the Spatulatta cookbook.
The recipes are designed to bring friends and families together.
They're also awesome birthday gifts!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Email from Yun in China

Our friend, Yun, from China writes:

Happy new year! We will have three days off , and then we will have the final exam.
By the way, there maybe are some troubles with my Christmas card.


Spatulatta Replies:

Happy New Year Yun!

We were not able to view your Christmas card. It is so nice of you to think of us!

Enjoy your three days off from school and best wishes on your exams.

Here is a simple recipe you can make on your days off to prepare you for exams.

It's called, "Baked Apples in a Snap" which you can see at:

You'll need:

4 red apples (Red Delicious, Fuji or other red apples
4 to 6 teaspoons of brown sugar
Raisins or other dried fruit
2 tablespoons of butter
Aluminum foil
A little adult help


Potato peeler (the kind with the pointy end)
Melon ball maker
Butter knife
Small baking pan or pie pan
Long handled fork
Oven mitts


1. Wash and dry the apples.

2. If you're using the oven, set it to heat to 375 degrees.

3. Take the potato peeler and pierce the top of the apple about 3/4 of an inch from the stem. Push the potato peeler in slowly. You don't want to go too deep because you don't want to go through the bottom of the apple. Go all the way around and then pop this center out. This way you'll make a cup to hold the good stuff in the apple!

4. Use the melon baller to dig out the apple seeds.

5. Fill the center of the apple with raisins or other dried fruit.

6. Put about a tablespoon of brown sugar on top.

7. Add a pat of butter. A pat is about 1/2 a tablespoon.

8. Wrap the apple up in foil by lapping one side then the other over the top of the apple.

9. Set the apples top-side up on the pan so they don't leak when the butter and the sugar start to melt.

10. These can be easily slid into the coals of your Father's Day barbecue, or placed on a grill. We did them in the oven at 375 degrees 18-22 minutes.

11. When you can easily pierce the fruit with a fork (you can test it right through the foil) the apples are finished. They taste just like apple pie!

Hope you enjoy this recipe. Let us know how it turns out!